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We're Back!


Updated: Nov 16, 2021

It has been a very long time since I actually sat down and wrote a blog post. It's kind of embarrassing, actually.

While I had no shortage of time in the last year, the desire to share what was happening at Kettle Ridge, just was not there. I’m sure a lot of people felt the same way. COVID-19 kind of knocked the wind out of our sails and made life rather difficult. It still is, really.

Getting parts has proven to be more difficult (we are still waiting on some cultivator shovels we ordered in January 2020!), used machinery (our bread and butter) prices have gone through the roof, and organic prices tanked while conventional prices soared. I’m very excited for the conventional farmers getting those prices but it makes our business model a whole lot harder to maintain.

But its spring now! A new start! Time to begin anew!

So what’s new? We got a new website and logo!

This may or may not be obvious to you as you read this, but it is very obvious to us! After fumbling through web design by ourselves for the last few years, we consulted professionals and had them build this fabulous example of online design.

Now we just have to figure out how to use it! So bare with us as we work out the kinks and try not to mess up the hard work the web designers did for us.

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